Thursday, August 11, 2011

Face #168.

I was pretty happy with the way this sketch was turning out... until I left it and went to make breakfast.
A little boy came and scribbled all over it.

If I've learned anything from this project, it's that art is more about the experience than it is about the result.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Face #167.

For some reason I was dreaming of bright colors all night last night... so I got out my colored pencils first thing this morning!

I would LOVE to get some Prismacolor markers. I've never really worked with them before, but they sound amazing. What are your favorite art supplies?

Check out some creative spaces here.

Face #166.

Face #165.

Face #164.

This one was a lot of fun...

Face #163.

Face #162.

Not my best... just learning how to use the india ink!

Face #161.

I finally bought some India Ink! I've been playing around with it for the last week or so...

Face #160.

So maybe he doesn't have a face... but isn't he cute!?
I'm thinking about selling him in our Etsy shop.